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Candidates Clash Over Policy And Personal Attacks

Washington Post

GOP Candidates Take the Stage for Fiery Fourth Debate

Candidates Clash Over Policy and Personal Attacks

Race for Nomination Heats Up as Candidates Vie for Votes

In the heart of Alabama, the stage was set for the fourth debate among the 2024 Republican presidential candidates. The high-stakes event fueled by intense policy clashes and personal attacks that ignited the race for the nomination.

Frontrunner Governor Ron DeSantis emerged as a lightning rod for criticism, facing challenges from Senator Ted Cruz on immigration policy and former Vice President Mike Pence on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The debate escalated into a heated exchange, with candidates accusing each other of misrepresenting facts and distorting their records.

Former President Donald Trump, a latecomer to the race, used the platform to defend his legacy and attack his opponents. Trump's supporters rallied outside the debate hall, while inside, the candidates engaged in a freewheeling discussion that touched on economic policy, social issues, and the future of the Republican Party.

